
Showing posts with label animal welfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal welfare. Show all posts

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Tori | a wee update

iced tea... ignore Heat (the shame)

  • My beloved Mish is back in the country bitches. Hell yeah. *happy dance* Get ready for some exciting posts all about her time in Chicago. Woop woop.
  • I am slowly getting to grips with DIY and am painting my hall. Living room/ dining room/ kitchen/ my bedroom- DONE.
  • I stopped eating meat and am weaning myself off dairy products. I did it for health reasons but the more I researched veganism, the more I learned about animal welfare. It makes for distressing reading/ viewing. I spend a fair part of each day thinking about what I can do to be a better person, a healthier one, how I can help other people and animals- it can get overwhelming. One step at a time I say. It's a process. I feel better about myself and life already; plus, I have more energy. Win-win.
  • This post made me laugh so hard. Spinach- DO IT.
  • It's been a rubbish rainy day so here's a glimmer of sunshine...

Ah, memory lane.

All content and images copyright Tori at Jute, Jam and Joy, 2014.