
Showing posts with label January. Show all posts
Showing posts with label January. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 January 2015

2015 Resolutions

Well the festive period has finally passed for another year. January is quickly rumbling along and I have just seen Mother's Day cards in Marks and Spencer. It's another New Year and I am certain they go quicker as I grow ever older :( 

New Year resolutions are not normally my thing but I have decided to try this year by keeping it simple and realistic; there is nothing worse than having to console someone in the bleak days of February when their resolutions have gone up in flames. I hope to document my resolutions over the year, hopefully putting them out here on the blog will give me that extra boost of will power.

1: Become stronger

I've always wanted this. Not Schwarzenegger strong but strong enough that a heavy box isn't going to defeat me. Most of my strength is in my legs and I really want to work on my upper body. I bought a Power Spin last year and aiming to do it more often. I can honestly say its one of the best £20 I have ever spent. 
Sport England have created "This Girl Can" campaign which and I quote "seeks to get more women and girls active in response to research which shows millions are afraid to exercise because of fear of judgement." I personally couldn't give two figs about what people think of me when I undertake a sporting activity but I know many people struggle with this idea. Anything that is being done to help people get active and unafraid of other people's opinions will always have my undying support. The advert is total kick-ass too.

For some reason the ad won't load on the blog so here is the link

2. Tidy house, Tidy mind

In short I need to tidy and keep tidying more. I'm going in stages around the house and slowly but surely things are getting sorted.

3. Blog More

I love the process of blogging. Write your bit, take a photo and post it. So simple but yet brings so much joy to people. It's nice becoming part of the blogging community and there is always something that catches my imagination online. Blogging has fallen wayside the past months due to so many technically difficulties. My laptop died on the 27th December. The worst possible time when money is already tight and options are limited. I finally bought a new laptop and can start doing what I love again and Tori now no longer has to hear me say "but it lights up like the dashboard of a car..." Yes this was actually used as a marketing tool by a laptop company.

4. Take/Create more adventures

Life is one big adventure so they say and I intend to make full advantage of this. As I reach a milestone in birthdays this year I have come to the realization I ain't a kid anymore and life is what you make of it. Don't worry I'm going to stop with the motto's now. I aim to create my own adventures this year and people are more than welcome to come along for the ride. Here's to 2015!

So this is just a few ideas I have for 2015. I will probably add a few more when the time comes but these four are enough for now. 
So have you made any New Year resolutions? Do you stick at them? 
Leave us a comment below we love hearing from you!

Mish xx

Disclaimer: January photography copyright of Mish at Jute, Jam and Joy
This Girl Can photography source: Link